As day 9 begins, we leave the quite civilized Clayton Station campsite behind, and continue heading along the Birdsville track.

The scenery is becoming a little tedious now, and it’s easy to forget exactly where you are. There is a lot less traffic on the track than I expected, and it’s quite a novelty to see a cattle truck pass by. (Cough… gotta love dust)

It’s turning into an exciting day, as we come across a rare puddle. It seems that we have been really lucky that the track has pretty much dried out, as too much of these puddles could be a challenge, rather than just a bit of fun!

The tedium that is the scenery makes a change for the better as we approach Cooper Creek, and it’s a welcome brak to get a nice shot of the lakes that we are passing by.

The afternoon brings us to the famous cooper creek, but there is very little water in the part of the basin that we come across. It’s nice for camping, and riding across, but unfortunately we don’t make the detour to the famous Cooper Creek ferry, with is a bit of a shame. The original ferry is on display, and it’s quite scary how small it actually is, considering it was often used to carry small cars….

Spotting the campsite is a welcome sign as we finish another day on the dirt. It’s a pretty setting, right down in the Cooper creek basin.

With another day done, and a bush camp to set up, we’re all happy to have dinner and hit the hay.
<end of day 9>