We’re too early for the pub to be open, but Rosi snoops around the back and finds the manager, and convinces them to open. (a good move on their part, me thinks).
Heading off from the Quamby pub is still with a gorgeous tail breeze, and before we know it we’ve turned west towards Kajabbi, and sadly, some more dirt!
It’s quite a surprising (albeit it a dusty thrill) to see a big rig come past. Where the heck is that going…?
And then it’s a bit of a moment for the ROC bus. Oops. The track just collapses, and it’s a tricky 45 minutes digging it out!
Luckily, team GTG have it safely recovered with no breakages, or injuries. Good work boys and girls.
After a bite to eat, it’s across the river for us, which was just a little fun, wading waist deep with the bikes carried above the water!
Chivalry is not dead, as Andy, Kym and Ian ferry some of the girls’ bikes across for them.
It’s a soggy trudge over the floodplain to the road going to Kajabbi.
Once we arrive at Kajabbi, and a bit of exploring let by Andy later, we find the mighty Leichart river. Unfortunately, it’s not as deep as where we crossed, but Pete, Rosi and I use some good old fashioned civil engineering to create a decent little pool to splash about in. It’s not the Hoover, but we were proud of it!
Tonight is the cowboy night, and cheesy $20 outfits abound. Fun is had by all, and after some much needed social lubricant, we sit down to watch the movie “Ten Canoes”.
Now… just what are Peter and “midnight” looking at ? Rick (quite scarily) seems to enjoy trying to fit into a very small denim skirt…
< end of day 27 >
< end of day 26 >