Stopping at the lookout on the way out of town gives us a real appreciation of the scale of the mine here, and of how close the town is to the mine.
This is by far the busiest traffic day we’ve had, with every second vehicle being a road train… and these guys mean business.
Still, it’s rather beautiful country, and for the first time in a long time, we get some true sweeping hills. This is more like riding at home!
These days, even a sign saying 101 km’s to go doesn’t phase us, and Andy and I set off into the hills!
Our stop for lunch is a lovely little rest, and the mood is still upbeat even after some road train near misses and a few big hills.
We have now completed the triangle from Dajarra, and it’s not far to go Cloncurry. It’s been a long day!
The Oasis caravan park is a welcome sight, with everyone ready for a well deserved sit down.
After a beautiful chilli con carne dinner (well done crew) we sneak off to the hotel/motel across the road for a glass of wine and some sticky date pudding.It’s going to be hard to stop eating so much after this trip… but that’s a problem for later on….!
< end of day 25 >
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