Before long, we’re all packed and getting the briefing… it’s a long day of riding ahead.
Pete, Kym, Andy and JD (the Team Mawson contingent) are given the responsibility of helping the group become acquainted with the technical parts of the ride.
The scenery is amazing.
After a rest for morning tea, it’s off to the Mawson trail behind Wilpena, and yet more “real” mountain biking, and of course spectacular views.
After an hour of fun bashing along the trails, it’s up the BIGGEST hill ever, with a reward of a fantastic view, and some well deserved lunch.
Heading off for lunch sees us riding through 3 hours of energy sapping hills, creeks and sand. Making the road that joins Wilpena and Blinman was a welcome milestone, and a dusk ride into Blinman for a beer.
Its too dark for some of us to ride into Angoricnina, and some of us leave the bikes in the store at Blinman, and we head down to Angorichina in the bus for our first rest day. (save for riding the bikes the last 15km in the morning!)
< end of day 3>
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